The Public View and Celebrity Suicide

The past few years have seen the number of celebrity suicides increase considerably. The deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain has been very heavily covered, some of it has been useful discussion some of it not so much.

The media has commented about both celebrities struggling with addiction, depression and various martial issues. Kate Spade’s death and some of the indications that she was possibly nearing divorce hit me pretty hard. Divorce and depression is a combination I would not wish upon anyone. It can break you from the inside out, affecting you mentally, physically and financially. Regardless of social standing, economic standing the impact of depression and the stresses of divorce are brutal for anyone. No matter how well off someone seems the loss is intense and it doesn’t simply go away with the wave of a hand. In many ways the finalization of divorce is really just the start to the battle.

On one level, media coverage is helpful in the sense that public awareness is raised. On the other, I’ve found that some of the salacious headlines and click bait paint a terrible picture of the public’s seeming need to know the ‘why’ of suicides. There’s always questions, even in the case of Kate Spade in which she left a note. In both cases the press has often discussed the family left behind the ex-wives, the daughters, the girlfriends.

As someone living with dysthymia and a target-shooter, I’ve had to stay on top of any feelings of major depression or suicidal ideation. For me at least, the effort is like forever being on guard duty. You are required to be vigilant at all times and know how to respond when the warning signs flare up. That’s certainly easier said than done. Feeling next to nothing, being emotionally flat all the time is rough at the best of times and I can understand how for some it feels like an endless slog. I’m not saying I have answers for anyone in that regard, we all have to find out own path when dealing with  mental health but try to be mindful of your mental state. If you start to have thoughts of taking your own life, take that step back, contact a hotline, close friends anyone to act as a sound board.

Suicide Prevention:
Tell Free:  1-800-273-8255