Fourth of July — Some Self-Reflection and Thoughts Going in to 2019

The Fourth of July is an interesting time. In the past I’d spend it at some event with the family looking at fireworks. Being partially color blind though fireworks never really quite held the sway for me as those around me. This year I find myself just around the corner from the 4-0 as well. In some ways parts of my life are better, other ways not so much. Lot of regrets, lots of things I’m still angry about.

With 2019 not that far off I’m trying to focus on the really critical things. Leisure and pleasure are back burnered for a while, trying to key on the things I need for both mental health and physical wellbeing are first and foremost. My circle of friends remains a fairly small, but trusted group.  Work is work I suppose, neither particularly positive and its negatives are about the norm for the last few years.

I hope to cook more balance my diet and activity. I hope to study more to give myself more options going forward. Realizing that I will start to slow down on my ability to keep pace has me reminding myself that I need to find better ways to do all the things I’ve done in the past.

Amid the fireworks and loud noises and the raucous celebrations for our country’s independence, I hope that folks aren’t forgetting to look forward at the things that have yet to be done. Here’s wishing anyone who follows my blog a very Happy Fourth and here’s hoping the later half of 2018 is a good one.

Author: vraxx

IT guy by trade, hobbyist photographer, divorcee