Election Stress and the Mainstream Attention of Mental Health

One of the interesting things is that while people certainly understand stress they don’t always understand depression. The news these days is full of stressful events, tragic, frustrating and everything in between.

I found it unusual that there were literally things like support groups in Florida being setup for people “offended by racist Halloween costumes” and that mental health professionals were worried about the strain the election was putting on the country.  All this attention to what feels more like periodic mental health issues yet the more widespread and chronic clinical depression is still paid more lip service than tangible change.

I had to take a break from some depression/anxiety related forums because the uptick in posts was difficult to see. People of all genders/orientations, ages and demographics experience the gamut of depression and anxiety and often finding someone to connect to and talk about their challenges is the most difficult thing. There isn’t a one-stop shop answer to the issue and I think that’s a difficult thing for most people to face. Don’t forget, from my personal experience I’ve believed that you have four primary planks that may be used.  Health/Activity, Diet, counseling/CBT, prescription.  Each thing helps in one aspect or another of coping with depression. For some people all four will be needed for others, just one or two. If you’re fighting depression/anxiety make that first call, consult your general physician a therapist but try to start. That initial step is the scariest but it’s the most critical.

University of Florida Mental Health Services for Halloween Costumes

Election Stress

Author: vraxx

IT guy by trade, hobbyist photographer, divorcee