Been One of Those Weeks

It’s been a rough week/month all around. Later this month would have been my 5 year wedding anniversary but that’s no longer the case. Over time it gets easier, things I used to remember in clear vivid detail have started to fog over. It’s a bit of survival in some ways, remembering too much triggers a depressive wave. I’ve tried to socialize more with my remaining circle of friends but it isn’t without its ups/downs.

The insomnia comes and goes, not nearly as bad as it once was. Progress is such a slow, ponderous thing but I’m getting used to the gradual nature of it. My energy levels have been low but I suspect that could be in part due to the storms and overall weather. Wish the days moved faster and I could try to get past the mental blocks.

Author: vraxx

IT guy by trade, hobbyist photographer, divorcee