December has always been a difficult time for me, moreso now post divorce. Today (12/2) is my ex-wife’s birthday. It’s weird thinking that in my head. That it is a date that in some ways it’s better if I forget it.
I can only hope that she’s found happiness where she is now with her new boyfriend. Me, I can’t say that I’ve found happiness but I know the direction I have to work towards and that’s something at least. My family never really celebrated the holidays much. Perhaps because i’m part Vietnamese and the holidays were mostly about church and simple meals with family, not about the presents etc.
Around this time last year my ex and I had our worst fight and the decision that divorce was the only option more or less agreed upon. If I had a Christmas wish it’s that this time next year I won’t remember as much. It seems a bit cruel to think it, but I know each day I drive memories further down so that I can take those painful steps forward and away.