Movies and an Errant Thought (X-Men Apocalypse)

Finally got around to watching X-Men: Apocalypse which when released wasn’t a particularly good time for me. The movie was entertaining enough but one thing gave me pause to think.  (Warning spoilers!)









Fair warning right?

At the end of the first film Xavier wipes Moira’s memories which leads to some mildly amusing, awkward dialogue in this film.  If only it were so easy to block memories I thought.  I have seven years of memories of my now ex-wife. For me most of them were good memories, a few great ones, but now I try to bury them as far down as I can.  Would that an X-Man could just telepathically block them out of my noggin.

Sadly that’s the world of comics and the real world is about having to face your memories and come to terms with them.  Still, the idea is a thought provoking one, just how would life be different if people really could selectively block memories.

Author: vraxx

IT guy by trade, hobbyist photographer, divorcee