Work/Life Balance and Detaching from Work (Article)

I happened upon this earlier this month and it got me thinking about several subjects. One thing that is true of me is that my dysthymia isn’t at a severity where I cease to be able to work. On the contrary I think some of my workaholic tendencies stem from a coping mechanism which isn’t necessarily completely healthy.

Kristin Wong’s post is a good review of the need to frame your attachment to work in a mental model that is productive but not all encompassing. Losing your identity to your job is a dangerous slope. It makes set back sand challenges too personal and starts to chip away at your sense of self and self-worth. For me the idea of not complaining about work is a challenge, especially being a tech employee where it sometimes seems like a myriad of things can and do go wrong.

I’m guilty of working long hours and bulldogging problems to the point that I do think I’ve taken too much work home with me both physically and emotionally.  I’m trying to fit my balance and objectivity about work so that I don’t really care when things don’t go well as long as I feel I am putting forth what is right both business wise and personally.


Author: vraxx

IT guy by trade, hobbyist photographer, divorcee